PSFU Hosts Private Sector Consultation Meeting on The Status of The Current Education And Sports Sector Policies.

  • Private Sector Foundation Uganda

On 10th March 2022, Private Sector Foundation Uganda held a consultation meeting on the status of the current education and Sports Sector Policy at PSFU Head offices in the afternoon at the request of The Education Policy Review Commission who appealed for the submission of formal views and comments regarding the current Education and Sports Sector Policies and Proposals for legal reforms.

The aims of the meeting were to collate views on the status of the education and sports policies, jointly agree on the requisite recommendations which will be submitted for action, and review the education policies in Uganda in order to enhance the efficiency of the Education Sector in Uganda.

During the course of the meeting issues causing hinders in the Education sector Uganda was discussed including; Vacuums in the Labour Information Management, high risk of investment in education in Uganda, high school fees, school dropout resulting from teenage pregnancy, High school fees, sexual abuse in schools amongst others.

"If we don't look at the policies governing the education sector in Uganda seriously and analyze, revise and lobby for it. Then we shall remain behind in a sector- Julian Omalla - PSFU Board Member and Founder & Managing Director of Delight Uganda & Global Food Securities)

Some of the Reforms discussed during the course of the meeting included: Level of standards of rural & urban pre-schooling in Uganda, Government paying attention to sports as it does to education and Post University after school services.

Consequently, the PSFU intends to develop a comprehensive position paper capturing the key proposals on the status of the education and Sports sector in the country. This position paper would then be submitted for discussion and consideration.

In attendance were Private Sector Foundation Board Member and Founder representing Education and Sports Sector & Managing Director of Delight Uganda & Global Food Securities) – Julian Omalla, Representatives from Save the Street Children Uganda and Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions – UGAPRIVI